There are a few common problems when buying property in Thailand. We have listed a few of them that we have noticed over the years when foreigners buy real estate and what they found to be a problem. These are the most common problems.
There are a few common problems when buying property in Thailand. We have listed a few of them that we have noticed over the years when foreigners buy real estate and what they found to be a problem. These are the most common problems.
Usufructs in Thailand are seeing an increase in use as many foreigners would buy property in the name of their Thai wife. In order to provide some protections since foreigners are not allowed to own land they tend to register a usufruct over the property in their name sometimes for the duration of their life.
With Thailand becoming a property investment destination over the last 10 years it has been a boon to the property and property development industry but at the same time it also brought into the industry many 'fly-by-night' operators. This can be seen the Asian financial crisis where even today vast amounts of half completed property […]