Notary Public in Thailand

Notary Public in Thailand. In legal and corporate processes, a Notary Public is essential in confirming the validity and legality of papers. The Notary Public Service system in Thailand is unique and is necessary for reviewing and confirming a variety of legal documents. This article looks at notarization's function, significance, and process in Thailand.

What is a Notary Public?

  1. A Notary Public in Thailand is a legal professional with the authority to verify documents, administer oaths, and witness signatures.
  2. Notaries in Thailand play a vital role in confirming the authenticity of documents for use nationally and globally.
  3. Notaries in Thailand are appointed by the Ministry of Justice and work under its authority.
  4. Their responsibilities include witnessing signatures, certifying document copies, and administering oaths or affirmations.

Roles of Notary Public in Thailand

A. Witnessing Signatures:

  1. Notaries witness document signings, confirming the identity of the signer.
  2. This role is essential for legal agreements, contracts, and sworn statements.

B. Certifying Copies:

  1. Notaries can validate copies of original documents, confirming their accuracy.
  2. This is typically needed for academic transcripts, passports, and official records.

C. Administering Oaths and Affirmations:

  1. Notaries oversee oaths or affirmations for individuals providing sworn statements.
  2. This is common in legal declarations, affidavits, and formal affirmations.

D. Notarization for International Use:

  1. Notaries in Thailand often authenticate documents for international purposes.
  2. This includes papers for business deals, property transactions, and legal matters.

Notarization Process in Thailand

A. Document Preparation: Before notarization, ensure all documents are complete and meet Thai legal standards.

B. Personal Appearance: The individual must appear in person before the Notary Public to sign the document.

C. Verification of Identity: The Notary Public confirms the signer's identity using government-issued ID.

D. Notarial Certificate: Once signed, the Notary Public attaches a certificate affirming the signature's authenticity.

E. Record Keeping: The Notary Public keeps records of notarized documents for verification.

Recognition in Foreign Areas:

  1. Notarized papers hold significant weight in foreign areas.
  2. This is vital for global business, legal matters, and transactions across borders.
  3. Notarization is often required before proceeding with legalization or obtaining an Apostille for international acceptance.
  4. These extra steps confirm the document's legitimacy in different countries.


In Thailand, the role of the Notary Public holds significant importance, serving as a cornerstone in safeguarding the integrity and validity of legal documents while also streamlining international transactions. From complex business agreements to intricate real estate dealings and solemn legal affirmations, the process of notarization stands as a vital step, imbuing documents with a heightened level of credibility and trustworthiness that resonates across borders. Delving deeper into the functions and intricacies of notarization becomes imperative for both individuals and businesses involved in cross-border activities, as it ensures the legal standing and universal recognition of their documentation on the global stage.

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